MinFuture pursues three main objectives: (1) to develop a common methodology that creates transparency about the data and approaches used in models for global cycles of materials; (2) to strengthen international collaboration by integrating the networks, expertise and outreach of different governmental and intergovernmental agencies, business areas, and research disciplines; and (3) to create a methodological discourse and stimulate the broad adoption of a ‘roadmap’ towards harmonization among key institutions that are either providing or using data to analyse global resource stocks and flows.
Objective 1 – Common methodology, including barriers and gateways
MinFuture aims to streamline existing approaches for analysing global material flows in four dimensions (stages, trade, linkages, and time), in order
- To identify inconsistencies in terminology (different disciplines, institutions) and address them though a glossary
- To identify critical data disparities and harmonization needs across the four dimensions
- To analyze critical data gaps (e.g. confidentiality issues) and approaches to overcome them
- To survey tools for mass-balance consistent short-and long-term forecasting of demand and supply
- To review tools for visualizing the different dimensions of global material cycles
- To develop a web platform for outreach and dissemination
Objective 2 – Collaboration across boarders
MinFuture aims to involve partners in government, industry, and research institutions across disciplines and world regions in a shared effort to implement a common methodology, in order
- To improve methodologies by engaging and co-learning with government and industry decision makers at the EU and international levels
- To excite interests among researchers, authorities, and industry with a pilot study for CRMs used in a low-carbon technology
- To raise awareness and stimulate collaboration among authorities and businesses by demonstrating how they can use this methodology for informed strategic decisions
- To involve key international data providers in the development of a web platform that allows users to easily locate and access relevant data
Objective 3 – Roadmap recommendations
MinFuture aims to facilitate a consensus among key stakeholders about priority areas to be addressed, to maximise the methodology’s benefit and impact, in order
- To stimulate the broad adoption of the common methodology by providing scientific support to key stakeholders
- To identify and exploit synergy potentials between countries, institutions, and other (non-minerals) research communities
- To reach a consensus about key barriers and gaps and make recommendations how to adequately address them to maximize the benefit for government and industry
- To pave the way for new EU-international collaborations (e.g., by consulting and support through MinFuture partners) to help the EU secure future raw materials supply.