
D2.1 | D2.2 | D3.1 | D3.2 | D3.3 | D3.4 | D4.1 | D4.2 | D5.1 | D5.2 | D5.3 | D6.4.1 | D6.4.2

Testing of the Framework

Through the MinFuture project a framework for MFA methodology was developed. The framework consists of 7 components (Systems, data, uncertainty, models and scenarios, visualisations, indicators and strategy and decision support) that enables the development of robust MFAs. Systems forms the foundation of all MFAs and works as the founding component in the MinFuture pyramid. The components included in the framework are hierarchically linked, meaning that the robustness of the components on the upper levels are dependent on the robustness of the components on the lower levels. This framework is meant as a tool for the continued development of the monitoring of the physical economy (PE). In addition to the framework, the project has developed guidelines for how to develop these seven components meant to be used by MFA practitioners.

The goal of this Deliverable is to apply the MinFuture project and to inform MFA practitioners and decision makers about the most effective ways to systematically improve the knowledge base of MFA for informing strategies and policy.

The purpose of this testing is to illustrate through case studies how the framework can be applied to best inform policy and decision making.

This report is presenting the outcomes of several individual initiatives throughout the project and the layout of the report is as follows, we first briefly introduce the framework, more information regarding the framework can be found in D5.1. We then further show the status of five of the seven components in the framework for aluminium, cobalt, lithium and neodymium. This tasked is aimed to show the status of each materials as well as to show for which material and components more effort should be spent. We then showcase two case studies related to the two bottom layers of the pyramid, systems and data with a case study on cobalt and aluminium respectively. We then present the outcome of the three task forces established by the MinFuture project, International trade, mineral resources and reserves and anthropogenic stocks. The last part of this report will be looking at the policy context of monitoring of the physical economy.

Publishing Date December, 2018
MinFuture Authors Prof. Daniel Beat Müller
Dr. Evi Petavratzi
Teresa Brown
Maren Lundhaug
Dr. Diego Murguía
Blažena Hamadová
Prof. Dr. Günter Tiess
Prof. Gang Liu
Dr. Zhi Cao
Mark Uwe Simoni
Tom Arne Heldal
Dr. Monika Dittrich
Language English
Citation Müller, D.; Petavrazi, E.; Brown, T.; Lundhaug, M.; Tschora, H.L.; Murguía, D.; Hamadová, B.; Tiess, G.; Liu, G.; Cao, Z.; Simoni, M.; Dittrich, M.; and Ewers, B. (2018). Testing of the Framework. MinFuture project deliverable D5.2
Attachments D5.2_Testing.pdf